Subject: Question regarding RSS Wed Mar 31, 2010 7:47 pm
I see some RSS who has their arms folded really quick after the followthrough and some who extends it like Pampling. Can someone explain to me why the different follow through? Thanks!!!
That is a great question and to answer it, you need to know the history of the player in question.The top picture is of Brad Lamb who was always a strong grip, closed clubface player. The bottom player, Rod Pampling has always been a weaker grip, more open clubface player. These two finish positions are really related to the club face of the players in question. As you can see in the pics below, Lamb has a more closed clubface as compared to Pampling
Also can be seen here on the downswing
If you trace it back further, you can see the grips/wrist angles are different which causes the variations in the club faces. Pamps originally had an even weaker left hand as he used to be a national hockey player. Although it is a weak grip, it is strong compared to when he first started the RSS
These differing club face angles will require a different finish position. Lamb will have to hold it off more to keep the face more open, Pamps will have to finish higher to let the face close a little more. Both produce the desired impact position.
Pamps is trying to get it more like Lamb. Lamb is trying to get it more like Pamps.
Gary is always trying to get Pamps more closed with his club face as this pic below shows. Here he is wearing a training aid to correct his clubface and as you can see, the finish is more like Lambs
This example shows that not all RSS players swing the same. We find out what the faults are in the swing and try to neutralise these faults to produce a straighter and more consistent ball flight. I once asked Gary who was the perfect RSS swing model and he replied "No one" All the players have good and bad bits. Its about using the correct model for the individual student. For someone with a closed club face, I would use Pamps to highlight the differences and vice versa for a player with an open club face.
Thanks for the clear explanation paul! by the way i have just registered with the Gary Edwin's site and i have just sent my swing videos to them. Cant wait to hear back from them!
Thanks for the clear explanation paul! by the way i have just registered with the Gary Edwin's site and i have just sent my swing videos to them. Cant wait to hear back from them!
Good to hear u want to learn the RSS. Why send swing video? Just go look for Paul. He's like Gary Edwin clone...keke
ok la. Now see why. If u do come to SG, i recommend u see Paul for some hands on coaching. Damn good this RSS. Good luck with the swing. I am sure your score will improve