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 a word from FOZ

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Hall of Fame Golfer
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a word from FOZ Empty
PostSubject: a word from FOZ   a word from FOZ I_icon_minitimeThu Jul 07, 2011 11:21 am

here's what what extracted from his website...gracious in defeat and live to fight another day.

for the record, he has also recently switched to Titty.


WOW! What a couple of weeks. I’ve just arrived in Scotland and have had a couple of days to reflect on what I can only describe as a bitter sweet two weeks of tournament golf. The bitter being the gut wrenching feeling of leading two great tournaments and not winning either of them and the sweet being its the best golf I’ve played in my whole life!

I feel my game has been good all year and have just not had the early season results. I noticed a change at Sunningdale for The Open pre-q when the ball started coming off the putter and started going in the hole a lot more than previous months. I’d just done some work with Nick Middleton the week before Wentworth on my putting and my new routine was starting to feel more comfortable. With this new putting style and continuous work with my coach Matt Belsham I really felt I had a good week in me!

After my 3rd place finish in Germany, I headed to France a little down on myself but as soon as I got to Paris and on that great Le Golf National course I felt all the inspiration I needed. I personally feel its the best test of golf we play all year! I remembered thinking on Wednesday how good it would be to test myself on Sunday over the most treacherous finish in golf. Three days later I was about to get my wish granted.

For the second week in a row I was in the lead on Saturday evening and playing in the final game on Sunday. I felt the calmest I had ever been on a final day when leading and new it was my greatest chance. I played exactly how I wanted and am adamant if I’d holed the two putts on 9 and 10 the outcome would have been totally different. I can see a consistency occurring where I don’t putt as well on Sundays when in contention as previous days. This is something I will be addressing with Nick and see it as the key to the future for me. The mistakes I made on 12 and 13 were heartbreaking as I felt in total control till that point. I was pleased with the way I played the last four holes but I was devastated not to get my second Tour win on the board.

After finishing third and second in the last two weeks I’ve also had the frustration of just missing out on an Open spot both times. Including the qualifying that makes it three times in a month I’ve missed out by one shot. The open is the greatest tournament in the world and it hurts not to play it. My final chance is to win here in Scotland this week. If not it will be a week off with Mrs F and that for me is never a negative.

I hope you have all enjoyed watching me over the last two weeks and who knows, maybe lightning could strike three times in a row..?? surely not..??

Take care folks and have a great golfing week

Cheers Foz

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a word from FOZ Empty
PostSubject: Re: a word from FOZ   a word from FOZ I_icon_minitimeThu Jul 07, 2011 1:55 pm

I like how he thinks and approaches his failures and victories.

Sometimes we just only need to take whatever good and bad life throws at us
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