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 Putting!!!! Who's being driven nuts by it?

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PostSubject: Putting!!!! Who's being driven nuts by it?   Putting!!!!  Who's being driven nuts by it? I_icon_minitimeSun Feb 26, 2012 11:21 pm

They say, "Drive for show, putt for dough" and its simply a nightmare today at the golf course.

Got a couple of good shots today (except for the last 4 holes when I was mildly dehydrated and couldn't concentrate at all, I'd lost 3 balls in one go to the Lake Monster at the 18th alone when I could smash it directly over water confidently on the 1st 9) but when I reached the Green, something really weird happened.

As usual, my caddy marked and picked up the ball. After the usual quick clean, I began aligning the ball and started on my pre-putt and putts.

A nightmare to behold. I held back too much and the balls going short with about 3 club lengths to go or I'd beaten the crap outta the ball and send it free-wheeling into the evil lake.

Walked over, sian 1/2. Didn't even thought about the putt and just hit it without even aiming.

Lo-and-behold. I began sinking all these relatively long 'mindless putts' when I couldn't sink a single carefully examined 1.5 club-length putt!

Anyone has similar experience with this crazy thing happening during your putting? It doesn't sink when you want it to, but it sinks when you are not thinking about anything.
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PostSubject: Re: Putting!!!! Who's being driven nuts by it?   Putting!!!!  Who's being driven nuts by it? I_icon_minitimeSun Feb 26, 2012 11:50 pm

Sometimes, we putt better when we are less worried about it... everything is less tense and the putting stroke becomes smoother. That's why for some, it is easier to putt from the fridge than putt on the green.

Having said that, all this does not matter to me as I putt from anywhere also miss one... include those half-footers and tap-ins. Maybe its time to buy a new putter Very Happy
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PostSubject: Re: Putting!!!! Who's being driven nuts by it?   Putting!!!!  Who's being driven nuts by it? I_icon_minitimeMon Feb 27, 2012 12:00 am

LousyGolfer wrote:
Sometimes, we putt better when we are less worried about it... everything is less tense and the putting stroke becomes smoother. That's why for some, it is easier to putt from the fridge than putt on the green.

Having said that, all this does not matter to me as I putt from anywhere also miss one... include those half-footers and tap-ins. Maybe its time to buy a new putter Very Happy

Before you buy a new putter, go to Sigma Golf at Ubi (

Sebastian fitted weights at the butt end of my putter, and that helped me putt more smoothly, especially those damn 4 footers.
He also customises putters.
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Very Active Golfer
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PostSubject: Re: Putting!!!! Who's being driven nuts by it?   Putting!!!!  Who's being driven nuts by it? I_icon_minitimeMon Feb 27, 2012 12:09 am

Same i think. Tuesday game i was so tense i duffed alot of iron shots but at the same time had some good putts. From the fringe, 3-5 club lengths away. But strong sloping greens killed some of those putts too..
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PostSubject: Re: Putting!!!! Who's being driven nuts by it?   Putting!!!!  Who's being driven nuts by it? I_icon_minitimeMon Feb 27, 2012 12:14 am

copen123 wrote:

Before you buy a new putter, go to Sigma Golf at Ubi (

Sebastian fitted weights at the butt end of my putter, and that helped me putt more smoothly, especially those damn 4 footers.
He also customises putters.

Thanks for the info... Actually, my current putter is customised but may pop down to look look see see just in case got new toy that catches my eye.
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Hall of Fame Golfer
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PostSubject: Re: Putting!!!! Who's being driven nuts by it?   Putting!!!!  Who's being driven nuts by it? I_icon_minitimeMon Feb 27, 2012 9:00 am

Putting is a journey......

very long journey...
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PostSubject: Re: Putting!!!! Who's being driven nuts by it?   Putting!!!!  Who's being driven nuts by it? I_icon_minitimeMon Feb 27, 2012 9:13 am

“My putter let me down,” he said. “It was just very uncharacteristic. I think it really came down to putting. I think if I had putted well, I was in the match.”

Quote by Matt Kuchar after losing 6 and 5 to Hunter Mahan
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PostSubject: Re: Putting!!!! Who's being driven nuts by it?   Putting!!!!  Who's being driven nuts by it? I_icon_minitimeMon Feb 27, 2012 9:34 am

My personal experience is that the less I care, the more putts I make. The tough part is how to trick my mind into not caring when the putt is a crucial one ...
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Course Marshal
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PostSubject: Re: Putting!!!! Who's being driven nuts by it?   Putting!!!!  Who's being driven nuts by it? I_icon_minitimeMon Feb 27, 2012 10:29 am

sunday was a fantastic day of putting for me...i think i hit 40-44putts.

1 2 on - 4putt, and many other 3putts. and can't get up and down after chipping it to 4-5feet.

how to play in the 80s like that...
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Hall of Fame Golfer
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PostSubject: Re: Putting!!!! Who's being driven nuts by it?   Putting!!!!  Who's being driven nuts by it? I_icon_minitimeMon Feb 27, 2012 10:53 am

eiji wrote:
how to play in the 80s like that...

stop at hole 12 or 15... depending on your day...

it works for me.
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Hall of Fame Golfer
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PostSubject: Re: Putting!!!! Who's being driven nuts by it?   Putting!!!!  Who's being driven nuts by it? I_icon_minitimeMon Feb 27, 2012 10:55 am

I am not sure if it will help to play in the 80s.....

but layup and chip nearer does help in getting one putt. It helps me to play below 100
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Course Marshal
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PostSubject: Re: Putting!!!! Who's being driven nuts by it?   Putting!!!!  Who's being driven nuts by it? I_icon_minitimeMon Feb 27, 2012 11:08 am

hmm........problems with putting?

Maybe time to go to the get familiarized with Zen Putting Invocation (ZPI).

Sure helped me and some other folks here.

Msg DGman or frostee yea.

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Hall of Fame Golfer
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PostSubject: Re: Putting!!!! Who's being driven nuts by it?   Putting!!!!  Who's being driven nuts by it? I_icon_minitimeMon Feb 27, 2012 11:11 am

Duval_S wrote:
I am not sure if it will help to play in the 80s.....

but layup and chip nearer does help in getting one putt. It helps me to play below 100

100s and 80s is 20-stroke difference... do not forget every lay up adds one more stroke to your overall score at the end of the day....

so u say it helps or not?

but i still lurve u, brudder from the hood.
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Hall of Fame Golfer
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PostSubject: Re: Putting!!!! Who's being driven nuts by it?   Putting!!!!  Who's being driven nuts by it? I_icon_minitimeMon Feb 27, 2012 11:37 am

Quote :
mUAr_cHEe wrote:
Duval_S wrote:
I am not sure if it will help to play in the 80s.....

but layup and chip nearer does help in getting one putt. It helps me to play below 100

100s and 80s is 20-stroke difference... do not forget every lay up adds one more stroke to your overall score at the end of the day....

so u say it helps or not?

well......we can play a matchplay or strokeplay and we see how lor


vice versa....still luping you...bro fm the same hood

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Senior Golfer
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PostSubject: Re: Putting!!!! Who's being driven nuts by it?   Putting!!!!  Who's being driven nuts by it? I_icon_minitimeMon Feb 27, 2012 11:42 am

Derek wrote:
My personal experience is that the less I care, the more putts I make. The tough part is how to trick my mind into not caring when the putt is a crucial one ...

That is what Bob Rotella mentioned in his book.
He says "Always putt to make it" (not only to get near) but "Putt it like you never care of the result!"

Very hard to do... sounds contradicting but it is not exactly contradicting.
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Super Active Golfer
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PostSubject: Re: Putting!!!! Who's being driven nuts by it?   Putting!!!!  Who's being driven nuts by it? I_icon_minitimeMon Feb 27, 2012 3:00 pm

I'll say that sometime we are more worried and focus on the result than the actual process with a pre-shot routine . Next time you play only on stroking the ball to the line you choose and commit it . You will putt better in my opinion because you only focusing on one thing the process to roll the ball to line chosen ...
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Super Active Golfer
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PostSubject: Re: Putting!!!! Who's being driven nuts by it?   Putting!!!!  Who's being driven nuts by it? I_icon_minitimeMon Feb 27, 2012 3:23 pm

I hope I can explain this effectively....

Lost my putting stroke for a good 9 months...couldnt putt to save my life till I tried something.

I changed the way I practice, set up and prep for my putts. First I try to familiarise my self with the realtionship between how far I take my putter back and the distance it produces. Once I get it.

The next thing I practiced was line up the ball to the intended target line. Look at the hole onceand only once to "gauge the distance from ball to hole. set up with my shoulders parallel to the target line with my putter head 1.5 "head" behind the ball. Take 2 practice strokes bringing the putter head back to the desired length to get the "desired"distance". Step into the ball. set-up and putt. I do this without looking at the hole anymore.

This helps me to focus more on getting the ball to start on the intended line and the distance I want to achieve. Rather than focusing on the hole. I reliased for me that if I focus on the hole too much, my hands tend to swing towards the hole rather than on the intended line....

I am happy as this has worked so far as I now average 36 putts per game....
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Super Active Golfer
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PostSubject: Re: Putting!!!! Who's being driven nuts by it?   Putting!!!!  Who's being driven nuts by it? I_icon_minitimeMon Feb 27, 2012 3:33 pm

Winston, just get one of your Signature girls to say "if you make this putt, tonight you can........"

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PostSubject: Re: Putting!!!! Who's being driven nuts by it?   Putting!!!!  Who's being driven nuts by it? I_icon_minitime

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